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DeLong Library - Resources for Staff

  Digital Citizenship (Online Manners & Safety) Resources


Digital Access

The equitable distribution of technology and online resources.

Questions to consider:

  • Who has easy access to technology? Who doesn't?
  • In what ways does limited technology access impact different groups?
  • Is the internet a utility or a free-market service?

Digital Commerce

The buying and selling of goods electronically and is especially focused on the tools and safeguards when purchasing or selling online.

Questions to consider:

  • How do you protect yourself when you buy or sell things online?
  • What are key things to check for when  buying something online?

Digital Communication & Collaboration

Knowing how best to share ideas online for self-expression and to ensure others understand the message.

Questions to consider:

  • How do we keep our communications with others helpful and appropriate?

Digital Etiquette

The understanding of the common code of conduct and procedures online for appropriate and responsible behavior (i.e. online manners).

Questions to consider:

  • What is considered good manners or bad manners when using technology in different situations?

Digital Fluency

Often referred to a "digital literacy" or "media literacy". The understanding of technology, how it's used, and how information can be manipulated online. Digitally fluent students discern good information from poor and make better decisions when online.

Questions to consider:

  • Which technologies make sense to use in certain situations?
  • How can we discern credible resources from ones that are misleading or fake?

Digital Health & Welfare

Refers to physical and psychological well-being in a digital world.

Questions to consider:

  • How does your social media use affect how you feel?
  • Is there such a thing as too much "screen time"?
  • How can technology influence our health?

Digital Law

Using technology ethically and legally - and being aware of the ramifications for online actions and deeds. 

Questions/topics to consider:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Sexting
  • Copyright and Fair Use
  • What are the rules/laws we need to follow?
  • What are the possible consequences for breaking certain rules/laws?
  • What is ethical vs. unethical behavior when using technology?
  • Do digital laws need updating?

Digital Rights & Responsibilities

Digital Rights are the freedoms that extend to everyone online, like the right to freedom of expression, privacy, and our identity. Digital Responsibilities are the responsibilities to report bullying, harassing, sexting, or identity theft, to keep data/information safe from hackers.

Questions to consider:

  • Where is the line between the right to free speech online and being responsible?
  • Who should be responsible for making sure appropriate use happens?
  • What freedoms should everyone in a digital world have?
  • How can you create a digital footprint that reflects the real you - and that won't impact future opportunities?
  • How do we combat online cruelty?
  • How do we build positive online communities?

Digital Security & Privacy

An understanding of precautions and actions to take to prevent viruses, malicious users, or other electronic harm.

Questions to consider:

  • What precautions should be taken to keep people (and their private information) safe?
  • Why do social media sites ask if you are at least 13 years old?
  • How do you know when to give out personal information online?
  • Are you worried about your personal information getting stolen on platforms you use regularly?

Suggested lessons:

Recommended resources:


“Definition of Digital Citizen | Dictionary.Com.” Www.Dictionary.Com, Accessed 28 June 2021.

Ribble, Mike. “Nine Elements.” Digital Citizenship, Accessed 28 June 2021.

Eau Claire Area School District