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SMS Library Research Help Page: Home

This page will help with any citation creating needs.

Research Projects

If a teacher assigns you a project where you need to add information outside your own knowledge, start with these steps:

1. STOP: Think about what you already know

2. If you want to know more, use DATABASES and other sources to add to what you already know. CITE Sources

3. If you use an outside source to add to your project (an article, image...) you need to CITE the source by using NOODLETOOLS

4. Once you have your project done, you need to add your Noodletools works cited page to your project (for a paper: add to last page, for a video: add to last frame, for a Presentation: add to last slide...)

5. Submit to your teacher (ask teacher about this step)

Why Do We Cite Sources?

citation reflects all of the information a person would need to locate a particular source. "A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work," (Merriam Webster). 

We need to give credit to the authors of the work that you are using. You don’t want to take information made or created by someone else without citing your sources. 

Where Do I Find Great Sources Online?

Research is NOT, “Hey Google, Solve all my Research Problems!”

  • Love Google, but Google lets almost anyone put things on the internet
  • If you do use Google, you need to ask the HARD QUESTIONS (Who, What, Where...)
  • Why Evaluate Websites when Databases are free and easy to use!

Why Use Databases?

  • Databases are collections of data or information organized for rapid search and retrieval
  • Databases are purchased by the District specifically for student projects.
  • Why Evaluate Websites when Databases are free and easy to use!

Find Databases:


Clever has MANY Databases under the Heading "Research" in Clever.


Use this page to find links and descriptions of all databases under the Heading "SMS Library Research" in Clever.

I Found My Sources...Now What?!

Time to Cite Your Sources

NoodleTools icon Noodle Tools is a Citation Maker. 



FIND NoodleTools icon UNDER "RESEARCH" in Clever.



Use this link for help to Start your project

Use this link to help find citations in Databases

Use this link to learn how to add citations for your Works Cited/Bibliography


View the Video Tutorials on the LEFT SIDE of this page

Search for Images/Videos

Use our Databases to search and find many images/videos for your projects.

Images in Britannica School Database

Images in any Gale Database

With Databases Images, you just need to copy/paste the citation into Noodletools. 

If you decide to use other online images from the internet, you need to fill in the information into Noodletools. This is still pretty easy but not as easy as using database images!

Search for Sources

Use Destiny Discover to search for physical items in the South IMC.

  • Books (Fiction, Non Fiction, Biography...)

  • Magazines

  • References

  • AV Materials (Playaways and CDs)


Use Sora to search for items in electronic format. Sign in with school username and password.

  • ebooks

  • Audiobooks