Attention 5th Graders! Here is a link to get to the South Middle School Library Online Catalog. Feel free to browse around and see what books are available to you for your upcoming 6th grade year. If you decide to place a hold on an item, be sure it is a good fit book for you. If you have any questions feel free to see Mr. Gump for any assistance.
Coming soon!!! I hope to have a picture tour of the library soon. Check back.
ALSO: Check out the SMS Library Resource Page below
Have you ever heard of Book Spine Poetry? We will be exploring some options within our library this month for grades 4-5. What is Book Spine Poetry you may ask? See the example below.
Book Spine Poetry
Blackout Poetry is another type of poetry that is fun and rewarding to do. Simply blackout words on a page (copied) to reveal the poems within. We will be exploring Blackout Poetry with the 4-5 students as well.
Blackout Poetry
Source: Blackout Poetry Workshop – Blackstone Valley Tourism (