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Health - Mental Health Mission: Recommended Resources

High-quality, reliable information sources to complete your assignment.

Basic Information

Person in the Public Eye

Keywords to add:

  • public eye
  • famous
  • celebrity

Community Resources

Google smart!

Is it an ad? Is it a legitimate source? If you're not sure, Google the source to see what others say about it.

Keywords to add:

  • Eau Claire
  • Chippewa Valley
  • Wisconsin
  • Midwest

Reading for Information

  1. Scan the article first.
  2. Use the headings in the articles to help you zoom into the information you want.
  3. Take notes on the information that answers your questions.
  4. Create a citation for the article in your NoodleTools project.
  5. Repeat as needed, filling in missing information from different articles or databases.

Stuck on one section?

Try narrowing your search by adding keywords. Examples:

  • grief AND statistics
  • sleep disorders AND management

Memorial High School
MHS Website


ECASD Website