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Meadowview Library: Policies and Procedures

Visiting the Library

Students are welcome in the library throughout the day to check out, renew, or exchange books. 

Students will be told checkout limits based upon grade level. However, they are encouraged to return and check out new books as often as they need.  The loan period for books is two weeks. Students are responsible for taking care of and returning the materials they check out. The library does not maintain records of student checkout history.

Students have free choice of materials in the library to make selections of interest to them. We make efforts to support students in learning what books are a good fit for them while not discouraging their excitement about reading. If you feel your student is checking out books that don’t match what you see/prefer at home, please contact the school librarian to discuss and have your student exchange their books.


Jacqueline Liesch

Media and Technology Integration Specialist



Claudia Vlcek

Instructional Media Clerk 


Circulation Policies

  • All books, technology, and textbooks check in and out through the library. 
  • Books can be returned to the library desk or through the book drop in the hall. Technology must be returned to the desk.
  • Kindergarten students may check out up to 3 items. Second through fifth graders may check out up to 4 items. 
  • Books check out for 1 week. 
  • Students may stop in the library or log into their library account to renew books.
  • Overdue notices are sent out weekly via email to parents/guardians.
  • There are no fines for late materials. However, if a book or device is damaged or lost, a repair or replacement fee will be charged.
  • Ebooks and audiobooks are available through Sora. These return automatically off your account.

Book Responsibility

When a student has either lost or damaged library materials the item(s) needs to be taken care of before the end of the school year.

This can be done in one of two ways.

  1. Preferred method: Replace lost or damaged item(s) in the same format/binding (usually hardcover). Before purchasing a replacement, please discuss the specific book requirements with the school librarian. 

  2. Pay for lost or damaged item(s). If the price of the lost/damaged item(s) is not on the overdue notice please contact the school librarian. 

Collection Maintenance

Selection is an ongoing process that should include removing materials that are no longer accurate, relevant, used, or needed (weeding); adding materials; and replacing lost and worn materials that still have educational value. Library materials will be weeded when (Some criteria may not apply in each situation and not all criteria need to be met in order to weed library materials):

  • They are in poor physical condition

  • They have low circulation statistics

  • They have become outdated, are no longer relevant, or contain inaccurate information

  • They have become outdated because of the graphic design or photography contained within the material

  • They are of poor quality

  • They are no longer needed to support the curriculum or student or faculty interests

When materials are weeded from the library collection they will be donated or discarded. The final decision as to what library materials will be discarded is up to the discretion of the school librarian.